European Funds

EU Grants

We would like to inform that FRONTRES Sp. z o.o. Sp.K. is realising the project co-financed from the European Funds entitled "Increase in the competitiveness of FRONTRES thanks to the implementation of the design audit recommendation" within the Operational Programme Eastern Poland, Priority Axis I: Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, Measure 1.4 Design for competition II Stage, Application for project co-financing no: POPW.01.04.00-18-0052/21".

Name of Beneficiary: FRONTRES Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.

Project title: "Increasing the competitiveness of FRONTRES through the implementation of design audit recommendations".

Project objective: One of the objectives of the project is to carry out activities influencing the development of the company and building a competitive advantage based on industrial design.

Total project value: 5 593 073, 00 PLN

Value of eligible costs: 4 547 214, 00 PLN

EU funding for the project: 2 721 728, 00 PLN
We would like to inform you that FRONTRES Sp. z o.o. Sp.K. is implementing a project under Action 1.5 Subsidies for working capital of the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Name of the Beneficiary: FRONTRES Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.

Project title: Grant for working capital for FRONTRES Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.

Project objective: To support the entrepreneur in securing financial liquidity and to support current operations due to financial difficulties experienced by the entrepreneur in connection with the COVID-19 outbreak.

Total project value: 246 450.51 PLN

Project co-financing from EU funds: PLN 246,450.51
We would like to inform you that FRONTRES SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ SPÓŁKA KOMANDIDKA realizes the project entitled "INCREASE OF COMPETITIVENESS OF FRONTRES SPÓŁKA IN RESULT OF CONDUCTING A DESIGN AUDIT AND DEVELOPING A DESIGN STRATEGY" co-financed within the framework of the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020, priority axis I Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, activity 1.4 Design for competition.



Cel projektu: Głównym celem jest określenie kierunków rozwoju i budowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej opartej na wzornictwie przemysłowym z uwzględnieniem potencjału rynkowego FRONTRES sp. z o.o. sp. k.

One of the effects of the project will be the adoption for implementation of innovations: product, marketing, organisational and process.

Total project value: 86,100.00 PLN

Value of eligible costs: 70 000,00 PLN;

EU co-financing of the project: 59 500,00PLN.
We would like to inform you that FRONTRES SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ SPÓŁKA KOMANDYTOWA is implementing the project entitled "INCREASE OF COMPETENCY OF THE FRONTRES COMPANY AS A RESULT OF IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT AUDIT AND DEVELOPMENT We would like to inform you that FRONTRES J. Białek and K. Stępień Sp. z o.o. sp. komandytowa is implementing the project entitled "Increase in the competitiveness of the FRONTRES company as a result of the implementation of R&D works", co-financed under the Regional Operational Programme of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Priority Axis: I Competitive and innovative economy, Measure: 1.4 Support for SMEs, Sub-measure: 1.4.1 Direct subsidies.

Name of Beneficiary: FRONTRES J. Białek and K. Stępień Sp. z o.o. sp. komandytowa

Name of the project: "Increase in the competitiveness of the FRONTRES company as a result of the implementation of R&D works".

Project objective: The main objective of the project is to develop and increase the competitiveness of the company by introducing innovative products to the offer as a result of the implementation of R&D works.

Total project value: PLN 11,254,500.00

Value of eligible costs: 9 150 000.00 PLN

EU funding for the project: 5 032 500.00 PLN

FRONTRES J. Białek i K.Stępień SP. Z.O.O. SP. K.

It implements the project entitled. "Increase in the competitiveness of FRONTRES J. Białek and K. Stępień Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. by entering new export markets".

OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME OF Eastern Poland, Priority axis 1 Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, Measure 1.2 Internationalisation of SMEs.

Project objective: increasing the economic activity of FRONTRES J. Białek i K. Stępień Sp. z o.o.Sp.k. by expanding sales of the offered product group to the following new foreign markets: UK and Belgium.

Long-term effect of the implementation: increase in sales of the company's current product range on new foreign markets; increase in the level of export of products; increase in the company's revenue by entering new prospective markets; winning new customers on foreign markets; increasing brand recognition on the global market.

Project value: 561 618.00 PLN

EU Fund contribution amounts to: 388 110.00 PLN

Project implementation period: 28.08.2020 - 30.06.2023
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